
“This is who I am inside
This is who I am I’m not gonna hide
Cause the greatest risk we’ll ever take is by far
To stand in the light and be seen as we are”

(Stand in the light- Jordan Smith)

This year has felt like two for the price of one. “Year one” time passed slowly as I was walking through a version of hell, lost. Now in “year two” I feel as if I’m in a reunion and I’m meeting myself truly for the time, found. My faith is now the hub from where I operate. I’ve never been happier or more internally content.

I’m learning to rest in respectfully, unapologetically living as who I’ve become, without worrying of what others might think. That freedom is incredible and gives me strength to try new things without fear of failing. Because the only way you truly fail is if you do not try at all.

So as of this season of life here are some parts of me is like to share. There are things that I’ve recently tried or learned and also some things I’ve know before and have come back to. There has always been part of me that is a chameleon, wanting to blend in not wanting to rock the boat. It’s time that I walk confidently in my truth and not be concerned with other’s judgements. 

I am an empath and it’s not brushing it off and saying “oh she’s just overly emotional” There’s more too it. It’s one of the reasons I don’t watch certain types of movies or TV. I can’t stomach horror movies or really violent things. I choose things carefully since I feel and am effected so deeply. On a side note, I believe it’s partly why music touches me very deeply. 

 What is an empath? – Christel Broederlow “Being an empath is when you are affected by other people’s energies, and have an innate ability to intuitively feel and perceive others. Being an empath is much more than being highly sensitive and it’s not just limited to emotions. You are always open, so to speak, to process other people’s feelings and energy, which means that you really feel, and in many cases take on the emotions of others.”

Come Wednesday I will have collected nine tattoos. I love and am proud of them all. For they are an extension of my expression. I believe there’s beauty the art that I have. I will be posting about the stories behind them soon.

I have my ears stretched to a 10. I previously had them stretched at a 2 but took them out for over a year. Being allergic to some metals I wanted to stretch my ears a touch because that opens up my choices and I can wear jewelry again. Earrings made out of bone, glass, wood and plastic. I really enjoy that and the look they give. 

I am somewhere in between a minimalist and an interior decor fan. I’m not a hardcore minimalist because I greatly enjoy simple decor. But that doesn’t mean that I am not continuing to pair down my things and I am only feeling better about my space with the things I choose to let live in it. I love less clutter and less visual noise. The few things I own I really adore. 

I’m a new vegetarian and don’t worry I won’t try and sell you on it. I am what is called a Lacto-vegetarian meaning I eat dairy products but avoid eggs. (I’m allergic to eggs so I feel better without them in my diet) I am very new at it and am far from perfect. After the first week my body felt a lot better. I digest things quicker so I have to have meals more often but my body feels great! And I won’t start on the animal factor, but in case you’re curious to what pushed me over the edge, it was the shark fins. 

Dear ones, be authentically, unapologetically you!! Embrace those unique wonderful things about you. Surround yourself with good, kindhearted people that support you and thrive in your tribe. 

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